Mosquito God (Leo McFadden)
My Father once said:
He’d gladly leave thimbles of blood by his bed,
if mosquitoes would leave him alone in the night,
spare him the pain of their torturous bite...
Who is the god of this parasite?
Mosquito god, in a ruby red robe,
A bloodlust real and insatiable
… a little here, a little there!
My Cousin then said:
Appease an aggressor? It’s dumb in the head!
First thimble, then jam jar, then bucket, then more…
The price of your peace, is to start a blood war!
Don’t bow to their god and she’ll have to withdraw!
Mosquito god, in a ruby red robe,
A bloodlust real and insatiable
… a little here, a little there!
She’s coming to get you,
drinks three times her weight in blood!
She’s going to find you,
with heat, chemical visual…
Heat, chemical, visual!
And as they debate,
A mosquito god envoy determines their fate.
She lands unnoticed on dad's waiting arm,
injects saliva, her own special balm…
Then off with sting and a victory song!
Mosquito god, in a ruby red robe,
A bloodlust real and insatiable
… a little here, a little there!